How to Care for a Hyacinth's Bloom
Hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis ) are spring-flowering bulbs which have a sweet fragrance in addition to blooming in a huge variety of vibrant colors. During the spring months, hyacinths could be grown outdoors in the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. Homeowners that want to enjoy the plant through the winter can force blooms by raising the hyacinth inside. Care is minimal but important if you would like to maintain the blossoms at peak condition.
Set the hyacinth blossom in a spot that receives full sun. If the plant is inside, this means placing the plant at a windowsill. It means cutting off any branches or moving any things which might be blocking the sun from reaching the hyacinth.
Water the hyacinth once or twice per week while booming. The goal is to keep the soil moist, but not sopping wet. When not in bloom, the hyacinth favors drier soil.
Work some compost to the soil around the plant at the beginning of spring. Doing so once annually provides the hyacinth a few added nutrients which will keep it blooming bright and healthy.
Spread a layer of mulch around the base of this hyacinth plant. This will help keep the temperature on the soil warmer during cold nights.
Watch for gray mould and bulb decay, diseases to which hyacinths are prone. Gray mould causes brownish lesions on the inside of the hyacinth’s leaves and works its way outward. Bulb rot starts with the bulb and spreads upwards. The leaves of this hyacinth will wilt and turn yellow or yellow in colour. Apply a fungicide to fight these disorders.